DH was at work, DS was at his Dad's then a friends swimming and I sewed and sewed! I decided to go ahead and start on the dress for the contest mostly because I knew I wanted it whether or not I made the deadline. Luckily I have sewn the Vogue 8379 a couple times so knew what to expect. My new sewing area is awesome! It worked great!
So I took my love of the Vogue dress, the love of animal prints, and the fact that one of the "trends" this year is the cheetah/leopard print and went for it...tada!
Would these be too much with it? ;-)

I think it turned out to be the best version of the dress. It has been a year since I sewed the last one and hope that I've gotten better since. Plus, I think it is actually the most flattering of them as well. I promise pictures of me in it soon!
I completely agree with you! Regardless of the contest, you are left with a dress that you will love to wear! Congrats, and I'm glad you got a great day of sewing!
Beautiful! What technique did you use to keep the bodice edges from rolling out?
I've tried three different ways, and the best for the rolling is to leave it unfinished, but not so attractive.
(I am coming to you from the pr site. You have the best eye for great patterns.)
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