All I could think about yesterday was sewing this dress but I kept trying to make myself sew something in my plan. Well, I gave in and started on this dress.
The pattern calls for stretch woven and this was the only fabric in a stretch woven I had enough of. I do like it though. It's kind of willy nilly circles.
So far it's really been fun to make. This is a straight 16 with no FBA. I don't think I needed one with all the extra fabric in the front. It does look a bit long waisted on me (I am SUPER short waisted) but I think it will be fine once I get the belt on right. My fabric is not the same on both sides so the wrong side shows on the belt. I think I an just going to stitch the belt in half lengthwise and turn it right side out. Being so short waisted I don't need such a wide belt.

I love that fabric. And I agree with you about the wardrobe. I'm already bored with it and I only have one item done. Oh, well. I'm anxious to see 1220 finished as it's on my "list" of things to make when my ADD strikes.
I agree with you about the wardrobe contest. I ahve 2 skirts down, and a top half done. I'm almost there. I just can't quite make it. Ever.
Very flattering, lovely fabric ... I'm very tempted to get that pattern especially if you didn't need to do an FBA.
I also like the fabric. I think this is going to be a flattering shape for you. I think you will look hour-glassy, especially with the sleeves in.
I am far to s l o w for wardrobe challenges. Time always moves on before I can get there!
I actually enjoy sewing wardrobes, but lately I've been doing a modified version of sewing separates. Instead of making pieces that all have to coordinate with each other, I make a piece that coordinates with any previous piece. That way I never have any orphans.
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