The collar was actually a lot quicker than I thought once I got going on it. I haven't knit anything since last winter so I had to pull up a couple of Youtube videos for reference. The hardest part was figuring out how many stitches to cast on. I knit about 8 inches in width, then folded it over. At first, I knit only 4 inches and even cast off, then I realized I needed to have it folded over. Well, that was fun, picking out the casted off ribbing...NOT!
I took some creative license and left off the pockets and the waist strip. I pinned it on and didn't like it as much with it. Maybe I'll change my mind but for now, I like it as is. It's definitely tricky to get it on if you're wearing a knit shirt since it's not lined, but it's cozy and warm. I left the front pieces unhemmed but decided to fold over a small hem at the bottom and the sleeves.
It was really quite an easy pattern to modify. I really love how this pattern fit me without any alterations. The only thing I did was slightly pinch out some in the back where it bunched. I will definitely be making this pattern again as it is. I love these multi cup sized patterns.
And this has inspired me to try and do the Endless Combinations contest on Pattern Review. I'm not planning anything out...I'm just going to sew something that goes with the previous thing I've made and see what happens. I do need to do a party dress in there though so we'll see how far I get. I'm thinking about a grey pencil skirt to go with this coat, maybe something also Anthropologie inspired as a theme.

I am really impressed with your knitted collar! You did it!
Very nice! I love that colour.
That's really cute. The colour is fantastic. It looks great on you!!
This is fantastic! You knocked this one out of the park!
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