I know I have fitting issues but seriously, how hard can it be to get a princess seamed shirt dress to fit? Well, obviously very hard for me.
I spent all weekend working on Burda 2-2009-105.

I traced it, then tissue fit it and thought I was good to go. I cut it out in some rather inexpensive fabric, put it together and it was HUGE! I decided to go ahead and retrace a smaller size. I went from a 42 down to a 38, did an FBA and cut out the bodice out in muslin. Wow, I was excited, it fit wonderfully. Next step, I took apart the muslin, used it to cut out different fabric and put it together. Damn it all, but it fit horribly! The fabric was heavier so I'm wondering is that was the cause. I didn't play with the muslin too much so I don't think it stretched out badly.
I'm so frustrated that I can't decide if I want to try it again in a lighter fabric. The bust curve is so "curved" that it looks bad, but then again the fabric was heavier. This is my third attempt at a shirt dress with no luck.
First attempt was another Burda but it was a shapeless thing that I thought would just be comfy to wear this summer. Nope, looked like a tent on me and I shouldn't have been surprised.
The next one was McCalls 5847 which has all the fitting lines on the pattern. This one also turned out HUGE! Looking back though, I probably did start with too big a size. Maybe if I'm brave, I'll try this one again. I didn't like the syle of it as much though.
I really want to sew other things besides knits. I have so many gorgeous pieces of fabric that I want to sew on. I was so frustrated that I called and signed up for some private fitting instruction. I'll be spending a day with someone who can hopefully help me...fingers crossed.
In the meantime, I'm back to sewing knits or some unfitted woven things.