I decided to tackle a dress for my 20th High School reunion. I thought it would be fun and reminscient of my mom making all my formal dresses in High School. I'll have to dig up a picture of my favorite prom dress.
I was originally going to make this out of a "Wild Woman" print from Gorgeous Fabrics but decided on "Pythagorean Pleaides Jersey - Black/White/Shimmer." I loved Ann's description of this with regard to being a Math person which is what I am.
I started by making a wearable muslin out of a heavier blue knit and a black contrast to wear to work. It's still hanging there needing altered and the sleeves added but it helped me figure out what I needed to do. I ended up shortening the bodice along with doing a bit of an FBA for the girls. I also took out all the gathers in the skirt on the front. I don't have a tummy problem and didn't want to look like I did.
I'm actually very happy with it despite a few things that I learned along the way. I think I made it a bit too short in the bodice, I should have lined up the back bodice pieces, and I have to check how I cut out my interfacing (with grain/without). It stayed together for the night, the girls didn't escape, and I got a lot of compliments on it. Here are some pictures for now...I'd like to get some better ones. The wind was blowing, so the skirt actually lays a lot better. I'm also considering entering into the One Fabric Knit contest on PR but we'll see.