I've been wanting to make this shirt for awhile and knew I wanted to use this fabric. Unfortunately (or now fortunately) I was so determined to use it that I didn't even lay it all out before I started cutting...doh! When I went to cut out the last piece, I though I only needed one piece for the cowl, but nope, I needed two! I didn't have enough so that's why part of the cowl is in black. Well, turns out, I really like it like this. Sometimes mistakes turn out to be the best.
I made View B with the length of View A.

I finished this skirt last night and will photograph and review it shortly. I actually wore it today but was running late.

I really like the contrasting fabric in the cowl too. I haven't seen this idea before...necessity is the mother of invention! It looks great.
I love the way you used contrasting fabric on the cowl. I also love your jeans!!!
I love the contrasting cowl! if you have the chance, I would love to see how you did that!
Rose in SV
Rose...there wasn't much to it actually. I just cut out the two cowl pieces in the two colors then followed the instructions. The contrasting color is on the inside so when I sewed the color on, the colors matched on the right sides.
it's supposed to say "when I sewed the collar on"....
Isn't it great how sometimes a mistake can turn out not to be mistake but a great design decision! The two colour cowl looks lovely - it's a really nice looking top.
HI there.
I just found your blog. I love your top. I have this pattern and will give it a go now that I've seen it made up. I love the 2 tone neck.
I noticed back in Dec you had 2
10/2008 Burdas for sale. You wouldn't happen to still have an issue available would you?
No sorry Kathi...I just had someone buy it yesterday. Thanks for checking out my blog!
I am anxiously awaiting your pics of vogue 8711, I've got it laid out, but not sure if I want to cut yet.
Like every one else-- dig the two color cowl. I think I'll try it just the opposite for fun. I think that would be the Black as the "under" piece and the grey the top piece. I've got the pattern so you are inspirational. ( is that right??)
I was REALLY wondering how those puckery sleeves would turn out in real life! Thanx for the detail pix. They look even better in real life.
What a wonderful community of sewers we have on the internet. I am always impressed with talent level, sharing of ideas and the general good "vibes"! Have a good weekend
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